• 0821 434 66777
  • bmskupang@gmail.com
  • Jln. Sam Ratulangi no.69, Kelapa Lima, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur 85228


    Alex & Alexa’ Parent

    We as parents of Alexander and Alexandra do not regret moving the children to the BMS school. A highly recommended school BMS, in addition to honing children’s skills in English, the Montessori method at this school really helps children to understand lessons faster and increase children’s creativity, besides that the teachers and the school environment are very comfortable children, so hopefully it can increase children’s achievement.

    Alika & Jayden’ Parent

    Our impression as parents of Alika Dan Jayden towards BMS is of course very positive because from the beginning BMS was established until now it continues to show progress with various updates both on the curriculum, extracurricular, building conditions and the atmosphere of teaching and learning in BMS schools and what needs most to be appreciated a very good level of communication that exists from the Foundation, the School, teachers and parents. Hopefully the BMS in the future will be even better and continue to evolve into one of the agencies to educate the nation’s life .. Amen ..

    Bella & Radith’ parent

    One of the reasons why I send my two children to the buoyant montessori is the learning environment that is very comfortable for the children. In addition, the teachers are super friendly to children and parents. Communication between teachers and parents is also good, so I always know the progress of my child at school. The learning support facilities are also quite complete so that the children will be happy when learning. We hope that face-to-face (offline) activities can be carried out soon so that children can return to school and meet friends and teachers there.

    Jaden parent

    Buoyant Montessori School in my opinion the right place for my child. He always couldn’t wait to wait for tomorrow to come back to school again. The learning environment is good and child-friendly. Fun learning atmosphere with experienced teaching staff. Even with the pandemic era, the role of schools is still good to ensure children’s development through online studies from home.

    Akira’s Parent

    A school that is truly committed to providing a safe environment for children, especially pre-schools, so that children are always excited to come to school every day. It is a good thing to form the character of children who are enthusiastic about learning and develop interests according to their respective potential. During this pandemic, BMS also quickly adapted to the teaching and learning conditions in the new normal era. The teachers are also very responsive with the parents. So that parents can harmonize education at home with school

    Reigand and parent

    The school environment is clean and comfortable, the learning environment and children’s playground are good and beautiful, the learning system is good, BMS teachers are very helpful in building character, behavior and developing children’s talents according to their potential, guiding children to be creative and independent children, and very helpful for children to discipline and socialize. Children are often trained to beg for help, give thanks, and apologize.